July 2013

July 4th (Thursday)
At home.....

Jonah and Daddy watching little fireworks at Jeremy and Chris Smith's house. 
Lily and I were inside..... cause she "cared of fireworks".  Let's just say it was an early night.  No big fireworks for us this year :) 
July 10th (Wednesday)
At home.....

Fed Jonah 2 tsp of banana/oatmeal for the first time. Now only his right cheek is bright red and he is broken out. Allergy??

July 10th (Wednesday)
At home.....

Found this statement to be completely true.  Sometimes days are harder than others,
but GOD is there to help us through them all :)

July 11th (Thursday)
At home.....


Just received a phone call from Janie Lancaster Smith's second cousin, who happens to be a geneticist (small world! Glad Janie's Mom overheard my conversation and was able to connect the two of us). Gave us some very valuable information to help continue with Jonah's best care. Thanking HIM for bringing people into our paths!

July 16th (Tuesday)
At MUSC.....

Nephrology clinic is running longer than usual....can't wait to leave

July 18th (Thursday)
On the way home from Level 4 Orthotics.....

Jonah trying to bite his bottle open after getting fitted for leg braces . Please pray he stays healthy for cleft palate surgery Monday. Praising HIM for all Jonah's accomplishments!


July 22nd (Monday)
At MUSC awaiting cleft palate surgery.....

Praising HIM for allowing this day to take place! Please keep Jonah in your prayers today.

Extubated!!! Fell back asleep. Praying his pain is managed well.

July 23nd (Tuesday)
From MUSC PCICU.....

Jonah had a good night. Pain management was top priority for them. He's in lots of pain today ;(. Hopefully we will be on 8D soon so I can hold him!


Swollen, uncomfortable and sleepy. Praising GOD for the improvements to come....this is only a temporary state. Amen .

July 24th (Wednesday)
From MUSC 8D.....

Long night, but looking forward to speaking with doctors. Hoping we are sent home today to manage pain at home. Poor Jonah is still swollen and uncomfortable. Thankful we are on this side of surgery.

We're going home today!!!! Praise HIM!!!

July 25th (Thursday)
From home.....

July 26th (Friday)
From home.....

Jonah's swelling is finally going down! He has been throwing up from last night, but I think it is his bodies way of getting rid of all the fluid/drainage in his body. He is very "stoic" today, still doesn't feel 100%, but going in the right direction!!!!

July 28th (Sunday)
From home.....

I think we are finally getting to the other side of this surgery! Jonah is starting to act more and more like his old self . Praise HIM!!!


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